Attorney Visits
Attorneys may visit their clients at any reasonable time with proper identification (driver's license and bar card). We ask that you do not visit during meal times and after 9 p.m.
The Jailer or his designee shall ensure the right of the inmates to confidential access to their attorney as long as said access does not endanger the safety and security of the facility and the persons therein.
Clergy Visits
Every reasonable attempt shall be made by the Franklin County Regional Jail to facilitate the free exercise of religious beliefs by inmates. The exercise of religious beliefs shall be limited only by legitimate security and operational considerations.
Clergy may visit inmates at any reasonable time with proper identification (ordination certificate, driver's license and or Jail Ministries identification card.) Allowed times as follows 8AM to 11AM and 12PM to 5PM
Inmates shall not be required to attend or participate in religious services or discussions. |